"Activating Customer experience, Intelligence and foresight in practise."
| ForeC Advisors is supporting customers´ business by consulting, working as outsourced project manager and
service provider. We are familiar with foresight development, Customer experience, customer analyses, competitive intelligence analyses as well as design & innovation development. We also evaluate innovation funding proposals as well as consult in start up area. Sometimes it is technology but mostly information, business and process development ramp up.
Several organisations has been following ForeC Advisors development path. Most of Finnish University of technologies and applied siences followed ForeC and developed their Education Intelligence -programs. Foresight has been copied in several instancies. Companies on the other hand have been interested in customer foresight and market change foreseeing systematisation.
ForeC Advisors, LImetropy and ImproveIT in co-operation. The purpose is to deliver better customer experience to deliver foresight, change managemnt capabilities and new services / innovation. Competitrs, business and employee experience are not forgotten.
ForeC Advisors developed and manage services internationalisation development project to the leisure and sports segment customer. Totally new services that competitors will follow in the future.
Ask feedback how customers experienced service in a minute ago.Use our quality and experience on-line system. Smiling face icons are just small bite when it is question of experience and new services you might need.
ForeC developed strategy for living in block of flats. Activation and development was natural continuement for plans.
ForeC Advisors developed customer business plan and proposed bio production system development in Horizon 2020. Proposal got Seal of Excellence certification.
Forec is evaluating EU-funding applications and help companies also in preparation for applications.
Up to date
- If your company is innovative, aiming to be international succes and focusing on growth, call us.We help you to develop Horizon2020 funding proposal. We help you with new services development, strategy development and management as well as change organisation focus to the future.
Looking for Horizon2020 funding you, Go Horizon2020 -site.
Finnish companies Tekes / Horizon2020 funding you will find from Tekes.eu -site.
- Bio-products, Baltic Sea, pollution, absorbent.Be active and help Baltic Sea. We support pilge water cleaning. You can also start from small things like requesting pilge pillows from us. Just 22,0 eur. It absorbs oil from pilge water. Now you are able to leave it on waste collection points. In the future it could be pressed and used as farming when the oil is pressed out.
More in Finnish
- Customer experience, quality measurement, feedback information. All that from tocuh screen system. ForeC Advisors is representing ImproveIT systems in Finland, Estonia and Russia. Customer experience information is now
collected easily, on-line and trustfully by touch screen PC:s, tablet PC:s and mobile phones. Information collection, pre-analyses, information development and integration as well as
concept development is key focus area for ForeC Advisor. You are not going to be in foresight development unless you do not get right information and integrate that to your organisation.
- Develop foreseeing strategy plattform together with strategy work and customer working activities See our article (5/2007) of agility, foresight,
information management and weak signal practises published in infomation journal.
See the article in Finnish.
- Blue Ocean Strategy is starting to be a common, day to day, practise in ICT areas.New development directions in strategy and
operative activities is changing management in several ways. Are you able to construct systemised and organised foresight plattform.
See the slides.
- Customer experience information easily. Customer feedback and experience collection,development and analyses is now easier than ever before.
You will get all from ForeC and it´s partners.
Check and contac us.
- CustoBi and innoBi
are unique development toolsets where Business Intelligence with external information is integrated to internal information and organisation activities.
Nokia is still growing and targeting new service areas, Kone Oy and others are also succeeding in changing their business.
Are you able to monitor your business environment change and doing that in foreseeing. Over 30 university / collage and few government based research centres have monitored and analysed in depth PSD Consulting web-pages to see new in foresight development.
Don´t you outsource you business eyes, See Innovation development pages